14156 SE 51st Ave.
Summerfield, FL 34491
"The world is big and I want to have a good look at it
before it gets dark." - John Muir
What We've Learned
coming eventually
North Carolina
Where We're Going
coming after that
"We cannot become what we want to be
by remaining what we are." - Max DePree
Our Journey
From St. Louis to Portland, OR, we’ve traveled by car through landmark towns and parks and uncovered hidden gems in between, visiting a few friends along the way. In the short span of a month, we were charmed by the spiritual serenity of nature and the excitement of adventure, and it was shortly after this trip when we had decided we wanted to experience more.
Several elements had long been leading us toward considering various radical lifestyle changes. Rediscovering the nutritional and medicinal value of plants have moved us into the ocean of organic appreciation, while confronting the cruel industry of animal butchery has drifted us away from consuming meat (though not entirely). A spiritual desire to reconnect with nature and mankind, and an incurable curiosity for exploring the country (and the world) were equal contributors.
Most significant, perhaps, was the fact that we’d become weary of the corporate American system, which has infiltrated several areas of regional, state and federal government, such as Education, Housing, and Homeland Security. It’s become a true motivation that we escape (as best we can) the industrial, political, commercial nuthouse that the United States has become, by living off the land, and off the grid, perhaps eventually living on a lot big enough for a tiny house, a garden and a small chicken coup.
In the simplest way, we look to the future to find freedom and fun, and spiritual connectivity with the people we meet, the friends and family we see, the plants and animals we visit, the elements we weather, and the worlds we encounter.
Our Website
This is a place to visit us. In coming months, and perhaps years, as we cannot guarantee accessibility to decent phone or internet reception, this website will act as a window into our home with snapshots of our journey. We hope to share pictures and stories, lessons and videos, inspirational thoughts and positive energy.
To send us a message you need only to summon our courier owl; or, if you prefer, you may request a postcard.